No updates in quite a while.

Not many updates in the last year and a half. New job, other projects, lack of time.

Prepping for Field Day 2013 right now. Just purchased a TS2000X to use for the VHF station that I normally run. I dont have much else to prep for this year except coming up with an upper bearing for the antenna mast so I can run out some guy wires this time. Should make it easier to erect too and I'll have less heart failure during the tilt-up/down portions of the day.

On the mobile front, I bought a full size Ford truck to put all my gear in, then let it sit for a while due to some noises it was making. I'm now working on the truck and planning to mount all my gear and antennas in it. As part of that I'm on the hunt for a TS-480HX to put in it to replace the IC7000. Nothing really wrong with the IC7000, I just don't like the interface. I sorta seem to be going All Kenwood. Well, I'm going to keep my IC706mkIIg for the moment but good shance I'll sell it off too.

Hopefully soon I'll actually do some operating again...

Categories: gas, equipment
Date: 2013-03-31, 11 years and 208 days ago


  1. Jake:
    2013-04-17, 11 years and 191 days ago

    Hello Thomas. Nice to see your webpage updated. Finally. When you started your truck for the first time after letting sit, did you have to do anything special to move around the engine oil first?

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