General Update

I now have multiple Lampkin 109s. As expected, I can make some cards for these that will make'em a bit more useful and am working on this idea a bit. Hardest thing is how to access additional features without modifying the front panel.

In other news, I finally have an antenna up at my QTH. 31' wire in a vertical using a Jackite pole. SG237 Smartuner and a few multiband radials on the ground. Ain't much but only required a little bit of hammering to get it installed. Yay me!

Categories: gas, equipment
Date: 2015-03-09, 9 years and 51 days ago


  1. Dissertation writing:
    2017-12-15, 6 years and 134 days ago (Delete comment)

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  2. Mark Sullivan:
    2017-12-29, 6 years and 120 days ago (Delete comment)

    Was wondering if you would have a service manual for the Lamkin 109. Also what other cards have you made to expand usefulness.

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